Vim cheatsheet

A vim cheatsheet created while reading Practical Vim, Second Edition, is given below.


. - Repeats last change (including what happened from the moment one enters the Insert mode until one returns to the Normal mode)
; - Repeat last search that the f command performed
, - Repeat last search that the f command performed in the reverse direction
n - Repeat last search
N - Repeat last search in reverse
& - Repeat last substitution
@x - Repeat sequence of changes recorded in register x (using qx{changes}q)
@: - Repeat the last Ex command

u - Undo last change
<C-r> - Redo last change


0 - Jump to beginning of line
$ - Jump to EOL
^ - Jump to beginning of non-whitespace line contents
f/F{char} - Scan line for next/previous character {char} and jump to it
t/T{char} - Scan line for next/previous character {char} and jump immediately before it
/pattern<CR> - Jump to next match `?pattern` - Jump to previous match `` - Autocomplete the search field using the remainder of the current preview match

<C-]> - Jump to definition (if ctags is configured)

zz - Redraw the screen with the current line in the vertical middle of the window


i - Enter Insert mode
r - Enter Replace mode for a single character
R - Enter Replace mode
<C-g> - Toggle between Visual and Select mode
v - Enter character-wise Visual mode
V - Enter line-wise Visual mode
<C-v> - Enter block-wise Visual mode
gv - Reselect the last visual selection
: - Enter command line mode

q/ - Open command-line window

Buffers, windows and tabs

:ls - List all buffers that have been loaded into memory
:args - Populate or list contents of the argument list
:w[rite] - Write the contents of the buffer to disk
:w !sudo tee % >/dev/null - Write the contents of the buffer to disk using sudo permissions
:e[dit]! - Re-read from disk the file corresponding to the current buffer
:wa[ll] - Write all modified buffers to disk
:qa[ll] - Close all windows, discarding changes without warning

<C-w>v - Split window vertically
<C-w>s - Split window horizontally
<C-w>w - Cycle between open windows
<C-w>h - Focus the window to the left
<C-w>j - Focus the window below
<C-w>k - Focus the window above
<C-w>l - Focus the window to the right
<C-w>c - Close the active window
<C-w>o - Only leave the active window open
<C-w>= - Equalize width and height of all windows

:tabe[dit] {filename} - Open {filename} in a new tab
<C-w>T - Move the current window into its own tab
:tabc[lose] - Close the current tab page and all of its windows
:tabo[nly] - Keep the active tab page, close all others
:tabn[ext] {N} - Switch to tab page number {N} ({N}gt in normal mode)
:tabn[ext] {N} - Switch to next tab page (gt in normal mode)
:tabp[revious] - Switch to the previous tab page (gT in normal mode)

:edit %<Tab> - % symbol is a shorthand for the filepath of the active buffer
:edit %:h<Tab> - The :h modifier removes the filename while preserving the rest of the path
:find {filename} - Open a file by its filename (without fully qualifying it with the absolute path)
:edit . - Open file explorere for current working directory
:Explore - Open file explorer for the directory of the active buffer

<C-g> - Echo the name and status of the current file


m{a-zA-Z} - Create a mark at the current cursor location with the designated letter
'{mark} - Jump to the line where the mark was set
`{mark} - Jump to the cursor location of where the mark was set


:vim[grep][!] /{pattern}/[g][j] {file} ... - Project-wide search
:copen - Open quickfix window
:cfdo {cmd} - Run {cmd} against all files in the quickfix window

:[range] global[!] /{pattern}/ {cmd} - Run Ex command {cmd} against all lines in [range] matching {pattern}
:[range] vglobal/v[!] /{pattern}/ {cmd} - Run Ex command {cmd} against all lines in [range] that do not match {pattern}


"{register} - Reference a particular register
"_ - Black hole register
"" - Unnamed register
"0 - yank register
:reg "0 - Inspect the contents of the yank register
"+ - System clipboard
"* - Selection register
"= - Expression register
"% - Name of the current file
"# - Name of the alternate file
". - Last inserted text
": - Last Ex command
"/ - Last search pattern
<C-r>{register} - Paste contents of {register} register


q{register} - Start recording into {register} register
q{uppercase register} - Append to the {register} register
q - Stop recording
@{register} - Execute the contents of the {register} register
@@ - Repeat macro invoked most recently
:put {register} - Paste the contents of the {register} register into the buffer

Jump list

:jumps - List contents of jump list
<C-o> - Jump back
<C-i> - Jump forward
[count]G - Jump to line number
/pattern<CR>/?pattern<CR>/n/N - Jump to next/previous occurrence of pattern
% - Jump between opening and closing sets of parentheses
(/) - Jump to start of previous/next sentence
{/} - Jump to start of previous/next paragraph
H/M/L - Jump to top/middle/bottom of screen
gf - Jump to file name under the cursor
<C-]> - Jump to definition of keyword under the cursor

Change list

:changes - Open the change list
g, - Jump to next change in the change list
g; - Jump to the previous change in the change list
gi - Resume from last position from which we exited Insert mode

Automatic marks

`` - Position before the last jump within the current file
`. - Position of last change
`^ - Location of last insertion
`[ - Start of last change or yank
`] - End of last change or yank
`< - Start of last visual selection
`> - End of last visual selection

Text objects

Vim’s text objects consist of two characters, the first of which is always either i (i.e. inside) or a (i.e. around).

i/a{)}]>'"} - inside/around {)}]>'"}
i/a{t} - inside/around tags
i/a{w} - inside/around words
i/a{s} - inside/around sentences
i/a{p} - inside/around paragraphs

Compound commands

C == c$ (change until EOL)
s == cl (change letter)
S == ^C (jump to beginning of non-whitespace line contents and change until EOL)
I == ^i
A == $a
o == A<CR>
O == ko


j - Down one real line
gj - Down one display line
k - Up one real line
gk - Up one display line
0 - The first character of real line
g0 - The first character of display line
^ - The first nonblank character of real line
g^ - The first nonblank character of display line
$ - The end of real line
g$ - The end of display line
w - Forward to start of next word
b - Backward to start of current/previous word
e - Forward to end of current/next word
ge - Backward to end of previous word


c - Change
d - Delete
y - Yank into register
g~ - Swap case
gu - Make lowercase
gU - Make uppercase
> - Shift right
< - Shift left
= - Autoindent
! - Filter {motion} lines through an external program


<C-n> - Invoke generic keyword autocompletion
<C-x><C-n> - Invoke current buffer keyword autocompletion
<C-x><C-i> - Invoke included file keyword autocompletion
<C-x><C-]> - Invoke tags file keyword autocompletion
<C-x><C-k> - Invoke dictionary lookup autocompletion
<C-x><C-l> - Invoke whole line autocompletion
<C-x><C-f> - Invoke filename autocompletion
<C-x><C-o> - Invoke omni-completion

Autocomplete pop-up menu commands

<C-n> - Use the next match
<C-p> - Use the previous match
<Down> - Select the next match from the word list
<Up> - Select the previous match from the word list
<C-y> - Accept the currently selected match
<C-e> - Exit and revert to the originally typed text
<C-h> - Delete one character from current match
<C-l> - Add one character from current match
{char} - Stop completion and insert {char}

Insert mode

<C-h> - Delete back one character (like backspace)
<C-w> - Delete back one word
<C-u> - Delete back to start of line
<C-o> - Switch to Insert Normal mode
<C-r>{register} - Insert contents of register {register}
<C-r>= - Access the expression register
<C-v>{code} - Insert character using its numeric code.
<C-v>u{code} - Insert Unicode character
<C-v>{nondigit} - Insert nondigit literally
<C-k>{char1}{char2} - Insert character represented by {char1}{char2} digraph

Visual mode

o - Go to the other end of highlighted text

Command line mode

:[range]delete [x] - Delete specified lines [into register x]
:[range]yank [x] - Yank specified lines [into register x]
:[line]put [x] - Put text from register x after the specified line
:[range]copy {address} - Copy the specified lines to below the line specified by {address}. Shorthand - :t
:[range]move {address} - Move the specified lines to below the line specified by {address}. Shorthand - :m
:[range]join - Join the specified lines
:[range]normal {commands} - Execute Normal mode {commands} on each specified line
:[range]substitute/{pattern}/{string}/[flags] - Replace occurrences of {pattern} with {string} on each specified line
:[range]global/{pattern}/[cmd] - Execute the Ex command [cmd] on all specified lines where the {pattern} matches
:shell - Start an interactive shell session from vim
:read !{cmd} - Put the output from {cmd} into our current buffer
:[range]write !{cmd} - Pass the contents of the lines from the current buffer as standard input to the external command {cmd}
:[range]!{filter} - Filter the specified [range] through external program {filter}
:source {file} - Run all the Ex commands from {file} against the current buffer
<C-d> - Show list of possible (auto-)completions
<C-r><C-w> - Copy word under cursor and insert it at the command-line prompt
<C-f> - Switch fom command-line mode to the command-line window
q/ - Open the command-line window with history of searches
q: - Open the command-line window with history of Ex commands


\v switch at the start of a search pattern enables the very magic search mode, which causes all subsequent characters to take on a special meaning.
\V switch at the start of a search pattern enables the verbatim search mode.
\x character class stands for [0-9A-Fa-f].
\zs, \ze - for cropping a match
/{pattern}/e - Search and place the cursor at the end of any matches rather than at the start

Ranges - {start},{end}

{start} and {end} are addresses.

Addresses - {address}

They can be specified using a line number, a mark or a pattern.

Special address symbols: 0 - Virtual line before first line of file
1 - First line of file
. - Current line
$ - Last line of file
% - All lines in the current file
'm - Line containing mark m
'< - First line of visual selection
'> - Last line of visual selection

Offsets: Addresses can include offsets.


Tabs and Spaces options:


Plugins to consider:

commentary.vim - Adds command for (un)commenting lines of code in all languages supported by Vim.
unimpaired.vim - Mappings for scrolling through the argument, quickfix, location, tag and buffer list.
vim-visual-star-search - Make it easy to search for the selected text
vim-abolish - Supercharged substitute command

Config to consider

set history=2000 - length of vim command history, which is persisted across sessions
set wildmenu - operate command-line completion in an enhanced mode
set wildmode=full - complete the next full match
cnoremap <expr> %% getcmdtype() == ':' ? expand('%:h').'/' : '%%' - when we type %% on vim’s c: command-line prompt, it automatically expands to the path of the active buffer
set hlsearch - highlight search matches
set incsearch - Enable incremental searching
set smartcase - Vim will attempt to predict out case sensitivity intentions
nnoremap <silent> <C-l> :<C-u>nohlsearch<CR><C-l> - Mute search highlighting when redrawing screen
filtetype plugin on - Enable the file-type detection plugin which enables to customize your config based on the type of the file in the current buffer

· vim, editor, cheatsheet